How to Speed Up the Creative Review and Approval Process

July 18, 2023

Endless rounds of creative reviews are a common pain point for marketing agencies of all sizes. Back and forth notes and emails are not only inefficient, but frustrating to both the client and your agency team. What is the best way to speed up the process and reduce headaches for everyone? Check out these tips below:

Tips for Streamlining the Review and Approval Process

  1. Start with clear expectations. When the entire review team is aligned on what is required and by when, that will help everyone stay focused on the end goal.
  2. Get actionable feedback. It can be impossible to interpret comments that are too generalized or unclear. Stop to clarify requests before any revisions begin.
  3. Stay aligned. Nothing muddles up the review process faster than when different people are responding to different versions. Make it clear which version is the current one before making changes.
  4. Use an online proofing solution. The process can be streamlined more quickly and efficiently with an online review and approval tool that helps you manage the three steps above. Online proofing software makes it even easier to keep everyone on the same page, while also giving you tools to track and audit performance.

Online Proofing Software for Faster Approvals

Deltek ConceptShare can help your agency deliver more content faster, and at less cost. The online proofing solution even integrates with Jira to further optimize your workflows. Want to test it out? Sign up for a free trial of Deltek ConceptShare

A Total Agency Management System

If your creative agency is struggling with process pain points beyond reviews and approvals, it might be time to implement a total agency management system. Our team at PCI can help you align your agency with industry best practices using Deltek WorkBook’s purpose-built solution to help you manage and grow your agency. Click here to find out more about how our agency specialists can help you.

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