WorkBook Blog
We like to keep our people in the know with business, industry and software updates as they arise. Check out whats new below!
Boost Your Agency’s Revenue Forecasting Accuracy with These Simple Tips
Are you curious to know what revenue forecasting is? Allow us to clarify. Revenue forecasting involves estimating your revenues over a specific period, be it monthly or quarterly. This powerful tool helps you plan ahead for resource management and...
The Daily Grind: A Day in the Life of a Marketing Agency Employee
“What is a typical day on the job like?” Chances are, if you’ve been a part of a career interview, this question has come up. And understandably, too - when starting a new role or joining a new team, a great understanding of the day-to-day is one...
Make Better Decisions for your Agency with Improved CRM Capabilities in Deltek WorkBook
*This blog is reposted from Deltek's Project Nation Blog Revenue forecasting is a crucial component of managing a mature and successful advertising agency. While there are a number of elements that impact your ability to accurately...
Building a Growth Plan for Your Boutique Marketing Agency
As a boutique marketing agency, you know that growth is essential to stay ahead of the competition. However, scaling your agency can be a challenging task. Below, we have compiled some valuable tips to help you tackle some of the most difficult...
How to Email Pitch Your Story Idea to a Journalist
In a recent blog, we outlined how to identify if your marketing campaign is newsworthy. This blog will outline best practices and tips on how to pitch your story idea to a journalist. Understanding the art of email pitching can make the difference...
Operations Transformation: Three Agency Success Stories
One of the first steps on the path to growth for agencies is to look for opportunities to increase efficiencies. These three agencies below discovered that Deltek WorkBook helped provide an integrated system that improved reporting and...
Marketing Agency Insights: Is Your Campaign Newsworthy?
Marketing campaigns play a crucial role in promoting products, services, and brands, and the success of those campaigns is most often determined by the number of leads or sales generated. But marketing isn’t the only way to get a message out -...
Agency Resource Management Essentials: Rightsizing and Hiring
We’ve reached Part 3 of our three-part series on agency resource management essentials. In Part 1, we covered tips on resourcing current projects, and in Part 2, we looked at the reports and forecasts to improve profitability. Now in Part 3, we’ll...
Top Add-Ons for Your Agency Management System
Even if you’ve found an agency management system to help you manage your agency’s people, projects, and finances, chances are there’s still a handful of processes you’re looking to incorporate for easier collaboration. We take a look below at two...