Terms & Conditions

Reseller (“Partner”) Premier Consulting & Integration
1. This Acknowledgement confirms Customer’s understanding that any products or services from Deltek (“Products”) excluding GovWin IQ procured via an order with the Partner identified above are subject to the Deltek terms available at www.Deltek.com/contracts
GovWin IQ: This Acknowledgement confirms Customer’s understanding that GovWin IQ from Deltek procured via an order with the Partner identified above is subject to the GovWin IQ terms available a https://www.deltek.com/en/deltek-contracts/subscription-services-terms
2. The General Terms shall apply to all Products excluding GovWin IQ, and only the following additional terms shall apply based on the Products acquired from Partner:
a. For software licenses, the Software License Terms apply;
b. For maintenance and support, the Maintenance and Support Terms apply;
c. For Software as a Service (SaaS), the SaaS Terms of Use apply.
3. Additional Terms for WorkBook. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the following terms apply to WorkBook and supersede any conflicting terms in the Agreement.
4. The SaaS Service includes 5TB of document storage. Deltek offers document storage integration to a local file server, or other 3rd party storage providers through the WebDAV protocol. Please note that 3rd party storage providers usually require an active and paid subscription. It is the Customer’s responsibility to maintain an active subscription to a 3rd party storage provider.
Any terms regarding pricing and payment are between Customer and Partner and shall not apply as between Customer and Deltek, unless Customer acquires Products directly from Deltek.
As used in this Acknowledgement, the term “Customer” encompasses the entity or person responsible for this account and each user accessing the Deltek Products by means of a valid account established hereunder, including, if Customer is a corporation, all employees of Customer and any third parties to whom Customer provides access to the Deltek Products. By signing below or using the Deltek Products, Customer agrees that the foregoing terms govern use of the Deltek Products by Customer. If the signatory below is signing on behalf of a company or other legal entity, the signatory represents that he or she has complete authority to bind the Customer. If the signatory does not have the requisite authority, or if Customer does not agree to the terms of this Agreement, Customer may not use the Products. If Customer is an individual, the signatory below represents that he or she is over the age of 18.
As per the Premier Consulting & Integration (PCI) General Privacy Terms (available at https://pci.us/privacy-policy/ (“Privacy Terms”), Customer is responsible for identifying and disclosing those jurisdictions from/to which Personal Data (as defined in the Privacy Terms) may be transferred by indicating the appropriate Exhibit(s) to be incorporated into the Agreement.
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