Application Programming Interfaces PCI has Created & Software Integration Options

April 25, 2023

By: Sandy Froonjian

By now, you have heard about what an API is and how PCI can integrate your software. You may be questioning if your company can benefit from an API integration given the software you currently use.  If your software has API capabilities for the data you want to transfer, then yes, it is possible! Most software packages do have API capabilities. The best way to find out is to reach out to a sales rep at PCI. We can investigate its capabilities and give you a definite answer. If your software doesn’t have API capabilities (or if it doesn’t have it for the specific data you need), there is still another way to get the job done, involving an SFTP site. The details of that method will be discussed in a later article.

The types of API integrations we’ve created involve data for HR, credit cards, expense reports, timesheets, payroll, purchase orders, and CRMs. However, we are always open to creating new types! The table below shows all the specific software we have worked with. These software programs often integrate with Deltek Costpoint, but we have also integrated with Deltek Workbook and PCI’s Astrata solution. The data from the software can flow to or from the software or even bi-directionally. If the software you use is the in the table, then that means we can work with it and are already familiar. Therefore, the integration process can be as quick as 5-6 weeks. If you don’t see your software in the table, don’t worry, we are always open and happy to try new integrations. Just keep in mind if that’s the case, it will usually take longer- about 7-8 weeks.

A2BHubSpotPaylocitySalesforceCCQC – Chase/Visa
ADPHumanicPDXpertSentricBank of Canada
ARCHInsperityPrecipioSmartsheetsCapital One
AvalaraiSOLVEDPrismSolidWorksAMEX at Work
CertifyOANDAQuickbooksSureTaxCCQC – Citizens Bank/Mastercard
ConcurOnePoint HCMQuoteWerksUKG (UltiPro)CCQC – Visa/AMEX
Everything BenefitsPaychexRampUnanetCCQC – MasterCard/Capital One
FidelityPaycomREVELVantagepointCCQC – VISA/Citi Bank
GovConPayPaycorS2VerifyASTRATA: Vendor-Voucher PortalCCQC – Visa/Simmons
CCQC – BoA, VISACCQC – BoA/Capital OneCCQC – BoA/CitiWorkamajig 

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